Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to update ncbi database on MASCOT

Download ncbi nr database from the following link. Download the nr.gz file. Once done, take the following steps.
1. Extract the nr.gz. Copy the file to D:\NETPUB\mascot\sequence\ncbinr\incoming. Rename the extracted file to ncbinr_YYYYMMDD.fasta, where YYYYMMDD is the current date.
2. On database maintenance page, select ncbinr and set it to "inactive". Click OK.
3. Move the files in D:\NETPUB\mascot\sequence\ncbinr\current to D:\NETPUB\mascot\sequence\ncbinr\old. Then, move the file in 1 to D:\NETPUB\mascot\sequence\ncbinr\current.
4. Finally, wait until the file is indexed, go back to database maintenance page and set the status of ncbinr database to "active".


  1. P' Jaran,
    I would like to known, nr.gz or nr.tar.gz.
    which one is correct or both of them?. For me, I downloaded and extracted nr.gz. Then, I follow step by step. It's O.K.
    Thank you so much naka.
    Jan (GI)

  2. Sorry. It is nr.gz, not the nr.tar.gz.
